What every IT engineer must know about (DNS) Domain Name SystemDomain Name System (DNS) is a service that translates human-friendly domain names (such as google.com) into machine-readable IP addresses…Jan 28, 2023Jan 28, 2023
Getting Started With Shell ScriptingHey, everyone! In this blog, we will learn about something that interests many of us: Shell Scripting.Sep 11, 2021Sep 11, 2021
Published inAnalytics VidhyaSpotify in Docker ContainerIf you have come across a question that whether or not you can run a graphical application inside a docker container because either you…Jun 12, 20211Jun 12, 20211
Create High Availability Architecture with AWS CLI using EC2, S3 and CloudFront.Today we will see how you can create a High Availability architecture on Amazon Web Services(AWS) using Command Line Interface(CLI).Mar 20, 2021Mar 20, 2021
Configuring apache server on Docker container and setting up Python interpreterHello and welcome to this article. Today we will learn how to configure an apache webserver in a docker container and also set up a python…Mar 14, 2021Mar 14, 2021
How big MNC’s like Google, Facebook, Instagram, etc stores, manages and manipulate Thousands of…How much data?Mar 10, 2021Mar 10, 2021